Diploma in Teaching Methodology


The Diploma in Teaching Methodology course teaches you how to handle students more effectively, how to enthuse them and how to keep them committed to their studies. There is a special focus on how to diffuse problems that might undermine their ability to effectively learn.


The course content is drawn from Educational Testing Service Praxis II Standards and INTASK studies of what pre-service teachers should know and be able to do, and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards of what competent experienced teachers are like.


Learning outcomes 


  • Develop an understanding of a variety of different theories of development and learning.

  • Be able to understand and explain behavioral theories of learning.Be able to explain the characteristics which influence the effectiveness of education, including aspects of both learning and teaching. 

  • Be able to describe processes involved in memory loss and retention.

  • Be able to describe different methods of effective instruction to cater for individual needs.

  • Be able to explain the relevance of constructive learning in education.

  • Be able to differentiate definitions of motivation and the application of motivation to learning.

  • Be able to determine the use of simple motivational skills in a training environment.

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