Accommodation Information

Main Campus
  • Capacity: The Main Campus accommodates 1,294 students.
  • Room Arrangement: Accommodation is on a shared basis, with four students per study room.
  • Family Accommodation: The University does not provide quarters for married students or student parents with babies. These students must arrange for off-campus housing.
  • Availability: Accommodation is not guaranteed for every student due to the total student enrollment exceeding the available hostel spaces.
  • Halls of Residence: The hostels are organized into several halls. Each hall has elected representatives to manage day-to-day governance and address minor organizational and disciplinary issues.
  • Hall Attendants: Each hall is staffed 24/7 by hall attendants to assist students with immediate residential needs.
Great East Campus
  • Accommodation: Arranged on an individual basis.
Additional Information
  • Exchange Student Accommodation:
    • No exchange of rooms.
    • No reversal of payment once made.
    • Accommodation Fees:
      • Per Term: K1,550
      • Per Semester: K3,250
The University strives to provide a comfortable and secure living environment for its students, although it cannot guarantee on-campus accommodation for all due to limited availability.