About Us

Our Roles and Duties

Our Functions

The International Relations Office (IRO) operates under the Corporate Affairs Department and is committed to enhancing the international presence and collaboration of Eden University.The International Relations Office (IRO) operates under the Corporate Affairs Department and is committed to enhancing the international presence and collaboration of Eden University. The IRO’s mission encompasses fostering global partnerships, facilitating academic exchanges, and promoting the university’s image on an international scale. By engaging with universities, research institutions, and global organizations, the IRO aims to create opportunities for faculty, students, and staff to participate in international programs, conferences, and research projects. Additionally, the office provides support for international students and scholars, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment that enriches the academic and cultural diversity of the university community. Through these efforts, the IRO plays a crucial role in positioning Eden University as a leading institution in the global academic landscape.

The International Relations Office (IRO) operates under the Corporate Affairs Department and is committed to enhancing the international presence and collaboration of Eden University. The IRO’s mission is carried out through the following key activities:

  1. Facilitating International Partnerships: Establishing and maintaining collaborations with universities, research institutions, and organizations worldwide.

  2. Supporting International Students: Assisting international students with admissions, orientation, and integration into campus life.

  3. Managing Exchange Programmes: Coordinating student and faculty exchange programmes to promote cultural and academic exchanges.

  4. Providing Visa and Immigration Support: Offering guidance on visa applications, renewals, and immigration regulations.

  5. Organizing International Events: Hosting seminars, workshops, and cultural events to promote global awareness and interaction.

  1. Partnership Development:
    • Identify and establish strategic international partnerships.
    • Negotiate and formalize agreements and Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs).
  2. Academic Exchanges:

    • Facilitate student and faculty exchange programs.
    • Support joint research initiatives and collaborative projects with international institutions.
  3. Global Engagement:

    • Promote Eden University’s image and reputation on an international scale.
    • Participate in international conferences, exhibitions, and academic forums.
  4. International Programs:

    • Develop and manage study abroad programs.
    • Coordinate international internships and volunteer opportunities.

Student Services

Event Coordination


  • Provide pre-arrival information and post-arrival support.
  • Assist with academic advising and personal development.
  • Exchange Programmes Management:
  • Manage inbound and outbound student and faculty exchanges.
  • Coordinate with academic departments to facilitate smooth transitions.
  • Visa and Immigration Assistance:
  • Offer one-on-one counseling sessions for visa-related queries.
  • Keep students updated on immigration policies and procedures.
  • Plan and Execute International Conferences, Cultural Events, and Symposiums: Organize and manage events that bring together global scholars, industry leaders, and students to discuss and collaborate on various academic and cultural topics.

  • Foster Global Engagement Through Diverse Programming: Develop and implement programs that encourage participation in international activities, such as study abroad opportunities, exchange programs, and international internships.

  • Facilitate Academic Exchanges: Establish and maintain partnerships with universities and research institutions worldwide to promote the exchange of students, faculty, and ideas.

  • Orientation Programmes: Comprehensive orientation sessions for new international students to familiarize them with the university environment and local culture.
  • Cultural Events: Organizing cultural festivals, international days, and exhibitions to celebrate global diversity.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Hosting educational workshops on global issues, research collaboration opportunities, and career development for international students.
  • Exchange Programmes: Facilitating short-term and long-term exchanges for students and faculty with partner institutions globally.
  • Advisory Sessions: Regular sessions to provide guidance on academic, career, and personal matters for international students.