The Eden University Students’ Union Constitution signing ceremony took place on 16th June, 2023 at the University’s Main campus in Barlastone park. The University Management adopted the Students’ Union constitution after an extensive review process with the office of the Dean of Students and the Students’ Union.

The Eden University Vice chancellor, Dr. Alvert N. Ng’andu who signed the document on behalf of management stressed that the constitution presents a valuable opportunity for the students’ representatives to operate professionally within the confines of the constitution. He went on to acknowledge that the document governing the operations of the students has been long overdue and he expressed gratitude that it was being signed.

The Vice Chancellor also expressed optimism that with the constitution in place, there shall be consistency in the way the University Students’ Union shall be conducting its operations. He further pledged the support of management in the total implementation of the document but encouraged Union members to remain open to dialogue on some issues that may require amendments in the future.

Dr. Ng’andu also cautioned the students to avoid creating allied political parties during Union elections. He advised that such practices create room for external forces to take advantage and influence differently the affairs of student Unionism. He appealed to students eyeing different positions in the student union establishment to aim at selling themselves to the student populous as individuals and the ideology they wish voters to buy into.

Also speaking at the signing ceremony, the Eden University Students’ Union President, Milambo Hamiyanda who spoke on behalf of the Union. He said the constitution signing ceremony was not only the commitment to unity and democracy but also represents a significant milestone in the Union’s collective journey towards shaping a better future for all students.

Signing the Students’ constitution, he said is a living testament to the Union’s ability to be bound together irrespective of the differences stressing that the Union at the University is built on pillars of collaboration, inclusivity, mutual respect and fostering growth that upholds justice and champions the interest of every student.

In his closing remarks, he thanked Management more especially the offices of the Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students’Affairs office who worked with the constitution drafting committee in refining the final contents of the constitution that has been adopted.

The signing ceremony was directed by the Public Relations Manager, Ms.Emmah Banda and the ceremony was witnessed by the University Registrar Mrs. Barbra K. Hachamba, the acting Dean of Students’ Affairs Pastor Paul Mwila, the Marketing Manager, Mrs.Chibekwe Muteba and personnel from the Dean of Students’ Affairs Office.

By Evans Kulita

Public Relations Officer




Start Time

12:00 am

June 23, 2023

Finish Time

12:00 am

June 23, 2023